• Denver Presbyterian Church
  • Denver Presbyterian Church
  • Denver Presbyterian Church
  • Denver Presbyterian Church
  • Denver Presbyterian Church
  • Denver Presbyterian Church
  • Denver Presbyterian Church
  • Denver Presbyterian Church

Denver Presbyterian Church

Perspective built five back-lit stands to display valuable stained glass style art for the Denver Presbyterian Church of Denver. Among the challenges, the pieces needed to wheel off their mobile storage truck, through the halls of the school where they hold services, be able to easily vary heights for different door clearances; and all the while survive different untrained volunteers moving them each week. Perspective Design Fabrication built heavy duty wheeled stands that allow the pieces to rotate, to help navigate the weekly route, and each stand has an LED light-box system to suffuse it’s panel with an appropriate level of glow. We included a durable electric connection system and a comprehensive padding system for the storage truck to prevent art damage in transit.


Design, Fabrication, Projects